Monday, April 12, 2010

Now It's Hives

Over the past two months I've noticed hives randomly showing up on my face. First it was like one a week or so. Now it's two to three times a week. It's still only one hive but they're increasing. I didn't really make a big thing out of it. Then I went to an Arthritis Support board and sure enough, there was someone asking that same question. She has been experiencing an increase in hives to the point she is taking Benadryl for them. Another lady said she carries Benadryl around with her in case she has an incident of hives.

Well, this could be important. So I wrote back that I had them too but not as bad as they did. This wonderful lady told me to carry Benadryl with me wherever I go. She said hers started out a few here and there and then one day her whole body broke out and her throat started to close up. She had Benadryl and that stopped it. She asked her Rheumy about it and he said some people with auto-immune diseases will get hives and others don't. Well aren't I the lucky one? Let's just add it to the already long list of RA problems. Another woman suggested the Benadryl strips that you put on your tongue. I think they would be easier to carry in my purse.

I just wanted to share that with ya'all in case you too have occasional hives. Apparently it can flare just like our joints. I wouldn't want any of you to go gasping for air while you're itching all over.

Like I've said before, the worse it gets, the greater the glory the Lord receives when He heals me. Not just glory for healing, but glory for helping me through it one day at a time. I was tuning in the radio this morning and this man said in a loud clear voice, " Even people with arthritis can find comfort in God. You find it in His Word". I started laughing because it was so unexpected and spoke so directly to me. I mean, here you are are trying to find a station and out of the blue comes this word. I said, "God, you have a real sense of humor". Just blast her with that one when she isn't expecting it. It just shows me that He is aware every nano-second of my physical, emotional, and spiritual state. He never leaves my side and is ready to encourage me anytime anywhere. That word did encourage me. You gotta love His style.


  1. Jeanne...I'm so sorry you now have hives.. So this started before taking the antibiotics right? Have you noticed it happening after you eat something? I know some people can go their whole lives without allergies to foods and then all the sudden they are to tomatoes for instance. Good advice on the Benadryl.. This might be something to ask the doc about when you go... God does give us little messages here and there...:)

  2. yes, as best as I can remeber it started before the antibiotics. I've never been allergic to the tetracycline family. In fact the only allergy I know of is tothe iodine used in cat scan dye. I almost coded years ago when I went for a scan of my brain and they used iodine dye to light up the arteries and vessels. So I'm assuming it's RA related. I will ask dr K. Now I'm reading that the swollen ankles from last week may be RA related. Can I ask a question? What is NOT RA related.

  3. Hi Jeanne,
    I agree with the Lord, that He is greater than this ra !!! I have gotten my 2nd headcold & today it felt like I was walking around with 10lb. weights on my arms & legs. I couldn't wait to get home & get into bed. As I was laying...I started to sing to the own song..Paising HIm..telling Him I Loved Him...I started to feel better...than I feel aspleep (nap) As you said & he says He is always with the valleys & on the hill tops.

  4. Oh you've got it right. Sing praises to Him when your in the valleys as well as the hilltops. What you did by singing to Him probably brought more healing to your body than any med and I know it ministered to your spirit. I am so sorry you have been sick and feeling so tired. There are those times that the bed is the only place to find comfort and softness and warmth. I hope today is better for you.
    Father God, I ask in Jesus' name that you bring strength and healing to your precious child and that they would become a walking testimony to your power and grace. Bring to them what they need each new day to do all that they have to do. We praise you and give you thanks. We love you.
