Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Ok, into week three with AP. Over all I'd say it has not been all that bad. Now the previous two weeks treating the h pylori is something altogether different. It did not last long however and was worth all the discomfort. I did a second herx last week on the minocycline. It was very mild. I started developing some joint pain and stiffness. I also experienced several days of swollen ankles (cankles yuk), but they are fine now.

I can no longer make a tight fist with right hand. The index finger is swollen and stiff, but it doesn't hurt. Now here is the weird thing. My joint pain is here today and gone tomorrow. Both of my pinkies have hurt at different times and fine within 48 hours. The big toes come and go with their pain. Right now they both are fine. It's like playing peek-a-boo with my joints. My right shoulder was killing me yesterday and is much improved today. I still don't have full motion without pain but it is still much improved. I could feel the flare coming for about three days. My left shoulder is a little irritated and I'm trying to be easy on both. If I lose my shoulders I lose it all. I just can't function if I can't use my arms and they constantly hurt. Don't sleep well at night either. Been there, done that, don't want to do it again.

The minocycline is sitting well on my stomach as I take it with food. I honestly can't tell if I'm experiencing a true flare or a herx. Time will tell. I also know I can experience flares for up to a year before real improvement sets in. Whatever, I know the outcome will be a good one, so it is well worth whatever comes my way.

How is everybody else doing? I really want to know what treatment you're using and how it is working for you. And I hope it is working for you. What little tips do you have to help others overcome some of the obstacles that we face with RA?


  1. Hey Jeanne...glad you are much better. I've been reading on roadback about herxing versus flare. It seems many have a hard time figuring that out.. But they have mentioned migrating pain being an indicator of herx. You might go there and check that out. I've read so much info there that I hope I got that right :P

  2. You got it right. I was there earlier today and read what you read. Migratory pain seems to be symptomatic of herx as do hives. But hives can also occur just from the mino. So I'm hoping it's just herx. I did read that Dr Brown would use Benadryl with mino to increase it's effects. So' he'd recommend a dose with the evening mino dose. Did you read that in the book? Can you look it up in the index if the book has one? I think I will try that and see if it helps. If I start to herx worse I will back off the Benadryl and only use it if I absolutely need to.
